Experience the birth and growth of the early Church in the Book of Acts. This course follows the Holy Spirit empowering and guiding the apostles to spread the Gospel, perform miracles, and face persecution.
Acts - Introduction
Acts 1
Before leaving his disciples Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to them
Acts 2
The Holy Spirit fills the apostles with ability to deliver the gospel to the emerging Church.
Acts 3:1-4:31
Peter and John miraculously heals a lame beggar and the opposition to the early Church begins.
Acts 4:32-5:42
The young Church is growing in Jerusalem despite increasing opposition to the apostles’ teaching.
Acts 6-7
Stephen becomes the first martyr, killed for his bold proclamation of Jesus as Messiah.
Acts 8
As a result of persecution the Church expands beyond Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria.
Acts 9
Saul, a leading persecutor of the Church, becomes a believer himself and a forceful evangelist.
Acts 10-11
The Church expands past Judea and Samaria and gentiles are included.
Acts 12
Peter miraculously escapes from prison as believers pray for him.
Acts 13-14
Paul and Barnabas establish churches on their first missionary journey
Acts 15:1-35
Church leaders determine what criteria should be met by gentiles in order to be included
Acts 15:36-18:22
Paul’s second missionary journey
Acts 18:23-21:16
Paul’s third missionary journey
Acts 21:17-23:35
Paul is arrested when he returns to Jerusalem.
Acts 24-26
Paul testified before governors and a king.
Acts 27-28
The book ends with Paul in Rome under house arrest awaiting trial, but not before a dramatic shipwreck.
Acts Wrap Up
Summary of the book and application to the Church in the modern day